Key Resources

Artificial Intelligence

Leveraging the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is helping to establish and integrate the optimal use and application of AI technology in the GI space. This effort represents ASGE's long-standing commitment in applying new and advanced technology to deliver improved care of GI patients.


Leverage the expertise of the ASGE to set clinical and research priorities for AI applications in GI Endoscopy.

News & Advocacy

Education and Resources

General Publications

The General Publications on artificial intelligence in gastroenterology serve as a foundation for knowledge exchange and continuous improvement in the field, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

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AI Glossary

The AI Glossary equips gastroenterologists with a comprehensive reference, highlighting the intricate terminology at the intersections of artificial intelligence and gastroenterology.

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Engage with Us

Engage with us to accelerate the development and adoption of AI in GI. The clinical expertise of GI professionals will provide the clinical context and technical requirements needed to inform the development of AI algorithms for GI.