
Key Resources 

A key strength of ASGE is providing its members with invaluable resources to empower their advancement in the field of GI endoscopy and in providing quality patient care. 

Artificial Intelligence ASGE's Artificial Intelligence resources offer valuable information and insights into the application of AI in the field of gastroenterology and endoscopy.

Sustainable Endoscopy ASGE is dedicated to helping healthcare teams recognize and address the environmental impact of endoscopy practice, offering practical tools to reduce carbon footprint and waste.

Covid-19 Resources ASGE's Covid-19 resources serves as a valuable hub for up-to-date information, guidelines, and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic, assisting healthcare professionals in navigating the challenges and uncertainties presented by this public health crisis.

Advanced Practice Providers ASGE is dedicated to empowering APPs by providing high-quality resources tailored to their specific needs in delivering top-notch gastrointestinal (GI) healthcare, ensuring their success and value within the GI practice and healthcare team.

Trainee Member Resources ASGE provides valuable support and educational opportunities to gastrointestinal professionals, supporting their training and preparation for a successful career in the field.

Value of Colonoscopy ASGE's Value of Colonoscopy Campaign aims to highlight the crucial role of colonoscopy in preventing colorectal cancer, emphasizing its life-saving potential and importance as a valuable healthcare intervention.